Autocad Lisp Using Viewport for Elevation Drawing

Games Download MAZE - maze generator in VisualLISP, CLISP mod, orig. by J.Wingberm�hle (LSP for AutoCAD) 4909 9.6.2018 Download Rubix/K4kube - playable Rubik's cube in AutoLISP (by K4 CAD Solutions) 49kB 28.8.2021 More information Download Snake game in Visual LISP (two snake-games in .LSP for AutoCAD) 41kB 28.2.2021 More information Download TROY - Asteroids LISP game (ver.5 - faster) by Terry Miller 70kB 5.1.2007 CAD Utilities and add-ins Download 2D3Dpoly - converts 2D polylines to 3D polyline objects (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13kB 11.10.2016


Download 3DConstruct - convert 3DFaces or wireframes to solid 3D constructs (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 17320 17.1.2015


More information Download 3DF2L - converts 3DFaces to Lines/Plines (LISP for AutoCAD) 2530B 17.8.2021 Download 3DFA2SOL - convert 3DFACEs to SOLIDs (fill), LISP for AutoCAD 1227 17.11.1997 Download 3Dintcurves - find intersections between lines and 3D solids (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 15kB 5.10.2021


Download 3DPolyC/3DPolyS - draw 3D polyline by entering 3Dlength,azimuth,slope or elevation,slope,2Dpoints (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 16kB 4.1.2018


Download 3DSolSz - list sizes of 3D Solids or Boxes, incl. CSV export (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 16kB 7.10.2021


Download AddV/DelV - interactively adds or deletes 2D/3D polyline vertex by picking (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 19kB 11.10.2019


Download AllLOT - set plot transparency for all layouts in a DWG (LISP for AutoCAD) 904 10.9.2017 Download AnimPar - animate DWG drawing by driving dyn.block parameters or dim.constraints (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 15kB 19.3.2017


Download AreaTab - insert picked parcel numbers and their areas into table rows (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 17kB 20.9.2018


More information Download ATrim - dynamically trim/extend DWG objects by painting (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 15kB 14.2.2019


More information Download Att2elev - set block elevations (Z) by their attribute values (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 14kB 21.5.2020


Download Att2Txt - converts attributes (AttDef) to plain texts (Text) in an AutoCAD drawing (LISP) 654 26.11.2008 Download AttAdd and AttApp - adds/subtracts a number or appends a prefix/suffix to the specified attribute in selected blocks (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 11kB 14.12.2011


Download AttDefault - reset block attribute(s) to default values (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 15.8kB 16.8.2017


Download AutoExec.vlx - embed LISP macros into DWGs and load/execute them automatically on open (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 18kB 16.8.2021


More information Download AutoLISP Debugger for AutoCAD R12 (free LISP debugger) Download AutoLISP Debugger for AutoCAD R13c4 (free LISP debugger) Download AutoLISP Debugger for AutoCAD R14 (free LISP debugger) 40kB Download AutoLISP Debugger for IntelliCAD (free LISP debugger) 45kB 11.2.2001 Download BANA - make all block attributes non-annotative (LISP for AutoCAD) 1292 29.11.2017 Download BlkAnnot - change the Annotative flag for selected blocks (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 14kB 26.2.2013


Download BlockRef - replace repeating 3D solids with block references (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 16kB 17.3.2016


Download BreakPls - breaks selected polylines at point objects (VLS Lisp for AutoCAD) 14kB 7.4.2020


Download BufZone - create Buffer or Wipeout zones around line objects (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 19kB 4.3.2020


More information Download BuildingID - info about the Revit source model from exported DWG (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 13kB 30.6.2017


Download CCText - clipboard-copy drawing texts (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 15kB 15.12.2016


Download Centroid - draw center of gravity (CG/COG) point of polylines, regions and 3D solids, incl. volumes (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 16.8kB 3.4.2020


More information Download CityGML - export simple polyline outlines from DWG to CityGML XML format (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 17kB 19.12.2012


Download Click2OO - copy coordinates of clicked points to OpenOffice/StarOffice Calc (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 16kB 10.12.2013


Download Click2XLS/Text2XLS - export clicked point coordinates or picked texts to Excel sheets (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 26kB 6.5.2022


Download CMDtimer - timing/benchmarking reactor - reports execution time of any AutoCAD command (LISP) 1138 4.1.2019 Download CoDOf - copy with directional distance offset (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 14kB 15.12.2016


Download Col2Lay - batch convert entity colors to separate layers, e.g. for rendering tools (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 11kB 19.9.2014


Download Copy layer properties from one viewport to all other layouts/viewports (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 14kB 25.1.2019


Download CopyBlockE - copy/redefine block from another drawing (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 19kB 4.12.2021


Download CopyPageSetups - copy current page setups to all DWG files in the selected folder (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 13.6kB 29.8.2012


Download CopyViews - imports named views from another drawing (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13kB 10.6.2013


Download CSV2PTS - read CSV file with Z-coordinates of points in a regular X-Y grid to a 3D mesh (LISP for AutoCAD) 24kB 1.9.2016 More information Download Csv2Table - import comma-delimited CSV file (Excel) to AutoCAD Table (VLX Lisp) 15kB 16.11.2011


Download CurveAxis - draw 2D/3D axis between two curves (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 15kB 30.10.2020


Download DB2SB - converts an AutoCAD dynamic block to a static block (VLX Lisp) 902 19.7.2007 Download DelDupPts - delete duplicate points and COGO points (VLX LISP for AutoCAD/Civil) 14.3kB 4.4.2019


Download DelProxy - erase proxy objects from AutoCAD DWG drawing (VLX Lisp) 11396 14.11.2018


Download Depends - list all file dependencies in the current DWG - xrefs, images, fonts, underlays, BIM etc. (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 22kB 23.9.2017


More information Download DGNconvert - batch convert selected DGN files to DWG (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD; CS+ bonus) External 26kB 10.11.2015


Download DimCurve - dimension length of any 2D/3D curve (or distance on curve) in AutoCAD (VLX Lisp) 17.5kB 12.4.2017


More information Download DimFixT - quick 1-click/2-clicks dimensioning (LSP LISP for AutoCAD) 905 18.12.2019 More information Download DimMask - adds text mask with specified color and offset to selected dimensions (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 1724 18.5.2011


Download DistZM - point elevation above a selected terrain surface (VLX LISP for Civil 3D) 16kB 24.5.2021


Download DrawPoly - animate drawing of any curve (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 14kB 12.12.2017


Download DrGrid - draw 2D or 3D or polar grid lines, optionally numbered (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 23kB 29.1.2020


More information Download DTMcol - analyze/color terrain model (3DFACEs) elevations in AutoCAD (VLX Lisp) 14kB 28.8.2017


Download DTMcolSl - analyze/color terrain model (3DFACEs) slopes in AutoCAD (VLX Lisp) 16kB 28.8.2017


More information Download DUP - make a duplicate copy of selected objects, also repeatedly (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 12560 22.6.2016


Download DynArea - dynamic polygon area labels (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 24kB 17.5.2018


Download DynLTscale (DLTS) - scale linetypes dynamically by mouse dragging (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 13kB 21.4.2016


Download DynSpacing (DSPC) - dynamically adjust mtext character spacing/kerning (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 13kB 21.4.2018


Download evalVBS - evaluate VBScript functions from AutoLISP (LSP for AutoCAD) 1470 12.6.2016 Download ExplodeM - explode "unexplodable" MINSERT blocks, removes pseudo-protection of DWG drawings (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13kB 18.5.2009


Download fAREA - creates a dynamic area label (acreage of the selected object/s), or length label (perimeter, fLENGTH), or property label (fPROP) - VLX LISP for AutoCAD 16kB 16.5.2022


Download FindFont - find all DWG texts using a specific font (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 17kB 24.5.2022


Download FixArea13 - fix polylines with overlapping segments for Area calculations in AutoCAD 2013 (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 13kB 6.4.2013 Download FLay - automatic force layer for selected commands (drawing objects), AutoCAD LISP reactor (VLX) 131kB 11.5.2022


More information Download FLayDel - delete all Frozen, Off or Locked layers (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD 2007+) 13kB 6.3.2012


Download FLD2TXT - convert fields to static texts (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13kB 19.6.2016


Download FlipCen - flip objects around their center, mirror horizontal, vertical or in Z-axis (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13624 9.3.2018


Download FlipDimArrow2 - flip arrows (inside/outside) for selected dimensions (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 12kB 1.12.2013 Download Gaps - mark gaps, loose ends on lines in a DWG (VLX LISP for AutoCAD 15kB 7.9.2019


More information Download Geo2GPS - convert map clicks to GPS coordinates or maps in Google Maps, StreetView or, co-author: johny (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 17kB 9.4.2021


More information Download GeoCode - free forward and reverse geocoding for AutoCAD 2014-2022 maps - point to postal address, address to position, what3words (VLX LISP) 542kB 5.11.2021


Download GetCol - show real color of the selected object, incl. bylayer and block-nested (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 12kB 3.8.2011


Download GRP.VLX - GRP and UNGRP commands - replacement for PKFSTGROUP and QKUNGROUP in full AutoCAD (Lisp) 2760 25.3.2009 Download GrSelNum - add numbers in picked texts in a DWG drawing (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 17kB 23.6.2017


More information Download Hatch2L - hatch area between two boundary polylines (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 17kB 4.1.2017


Download HatchOverlap - detect any overlapping DWG hatches (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 14kB 30.11.2019


Download HidePStyle - hides objects with selected plot style (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 14kB 14.4.2016


Download History - display (animate) the order the drawing entities were created (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 11kB 22.8.2013


Download HltNode - highlight polyline nodes temporarily (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 14kB 25.11.2015


Download CheckLarge - simple check for too large coordinates in AutoCAD DWGs (LISP) 872 14.10.2020 Download CHELEV.LSP - sets contour elevations (LISP for AutoCAD and Civil 3D) (N.Menu) 1kB 10.10.2007 Download ImgAdj - set image width/height (pixel aspect ratio) independently (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 12196 19.5.2013 Download ImportUCS - import named coordinate systems from another DWG (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 13kB 26.9.2016


Download Lay2Dwg - exports layers (entities) to individual drawings (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13kB 9.12.2011


Download LayoutLF reactor - auto-switch layer group filter by layout name (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 18lkB 12.4.2022


Download Lin2Cyl/Cur2Cyl - converts selected lines or curves to 3D cylinders or tubes (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 17kB 10.1.2022


Download LinCatalog - draws a catalog of complex linetypes defined in a .LIN file or in the DWG (free AutoLISP utility) 21kB 13.8.2013


Download LineIntArc (LIA) - bridge line intersections (conductors) with an arc (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 13836 11.3.2015


Download LockAllVp - locks all viewports in all layouts (LISP for AutoCAD) 669 12.11.2010


Download LogBook (V0.9, beta) - creates log file with all changes in a DWG drawing (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 30kB 15.12.2014 Download LOMAN - layout manager - quickly switch between layouts, sort layouts (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 20kB 9.11.2012


Download LTFly - automatically generate AutoCAD complex linetypes (with embedded text) on the fly (VLX LISP) 12.6kB 6.6.2020


Download MatchLayP - copies layer properties to another layer (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 1552 20.8.2008 Download MatchSel (reverse MatchProp) - select an entity and set current its color, layer, ltype - for new entities (LISP for AutoCAD) 725 13.1.2009 Download Mesh2Pt - creates 3D points in every vertex of a 3D mesh, polymesh or surface (LISP for AutoCAD) 1112 18.11.2009 Download MinOf - select only the minimum/maximum object - shortest, largest, highest (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 16kB 8.1.2019


More information Download MMleader - masked-text multileader command (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 13552 15.9.2015


Download Modulus - section modulus (Wx/Wy) for 2D profiles (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 11kB 19.3.2012


Download MoveAtt - moves attributes in multiple blocks (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 16kB 15.2.2021


Download MoveTill - iterative move, scale or rotate DWG object till it touches a boundary (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 18kB 3.2.2017


More information Download NBlockList - lists all used blocks + nested blocks and their layers (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 18kB 14.1.2016


Download Normals (and FlipFace) - draw or flip normals of 3DFaces or recolor 3DFaces facing towards/away from the camera (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 15kB 4.10.2017


Download NumInText - round, add, multiple, cut, fill or delete numbers in drawing texts/attrs (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD; trial, CS+) 35kB 5.2.2017


More information Buy Download OBJ2DWG - import .OBJ files to AutoCAD PFace meshes (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 14kB 12.12.2017


Download OverDimCol (ODC) - highlight dimensions with overridden text (LISP for AutoCAD) 654 8.12.2008 Download P2BLK - replaces points and circles with blocks (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13kB 3.3.2014


Download P2C+C2P - converts points to circles and circles to points (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 8872 5.1.2015


Download PageOf - creates a field with "Page N of M" layout counter (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 14kB 7.2.2020


More information Download PaintSelect - select objects by painting, new object selection method (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 16kB 19.10.2018


More information Download PanVPs - pan viewports, change view in multiple viewports (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 13kB 18.12.2019 More information Download Parabola - true spline parabola (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 1704 10.10.2012 Download PatCatalog - draws a catalog of hatch patterns defined in all .PAT files (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 16kB 4.5.2017


Download PatOut - export hatch pattern definition back to a .PAT file (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13kB 12.4.2016


Download PerpFrom - draw perpendicular from a curve foot, dynamic, transparently 'PF (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 14.5kB 23.3.2020


Download PkArea - export picked closed areas from DWG to Excel (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 29kB 23.8.2019


More information Download PkLength - export picked line lengths from DWG to Excel (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 32kB 23.5.2022


Download PL2ML - convert polylines (LWPOLYLINE) to multilines (MLINE) - LISP/VLX 1508 11.5.2007 Download PlotDWGarr + LayDWGarr + wbDWGarr + pcDWGarr - plots a rectangular array of drawings from frames in DWG modelspace, or generate a set of layouts, separate DWGs, or page setups (VLX Lisp) 28kB 7.4.2020


Download PLV - polyline vertices select - use 'PLV to specify a mask by picking (LISP for AutoCAD) 544 8.1.2010 Download Pol2Cir - convert circular polylines and donuts to circles (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 15kB 6.3.2016


Download Polyhedra - construct 3D polyhedrons, mesh or solid (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 80kB 3.9.2020


Download PSrename - adds prefix or suffix to the name of any symbol - layers, blocks, styles, ltypes... (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 12kB 8.9.2009


Download PtMesh - convert data matrix to a 3D mesh (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 32kB 21.4.2019


Download PtOutline - convex outline (hull) of selected 2D/3D points (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13520 25.3.2015


Download PurgeSmall - delete small elements (lines, polys, arcs, texts, blocks) from a DWG drawing file (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 16kB 11.2.2021


More information Download QBEblock - search for block attribute values by example (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13628 5.5.2014


Download Re-Assoc - reassociate disassociated/disconnected dimensions (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 12kB 2.12.2016


Download Region2Poly - convert 2D regions to polylines (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 12.6kB 1.3.2017


Download ReLinkField (RLF) - re-link dynamic text field to a selected source object (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 15kB 28.7.2020


Download RenameCSV - rename layouts, blocks, layers, linetypes, styles, groups, etc. using Excel/CSV table (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 20kB 15.5.2022


More information Download ReplaceBlock - replaces block references with another block, incl.dynamic, attribs (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 15kB 23.8.2020


Download Reset210 - resets the extrusion/normal vector of DWG objects to [0,0,1] (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13kB 6.4.2016


Download Rhomboid - draws parallelograms/rhomboids in various construction modes (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 17kB 2.9.2020


Download RIblock - replace selected instances of a block (or blocks) with another block, sync attributes, dyn.parameters (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 28kB 25.5.2017


Download RoundT / RoundT2 - round drawing texts/attr to given number of decimal places, see also NumInText (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 15kB 30.1.2017


Download RRename - rename layouts, blocks, layers, linetypes, styles, groups, etc. using regular expressions (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD and Civil) 14kB 15.12.2021


Download SaveOrig command - save DWG in the original file format/version (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 13kB 20.6.2013


Download ScaleBB/RotateBB - scale/rotate multiple objects, by their individual ref.points (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 21.8kB 15.12.2021


Download ScaleXYZ - scales selected objects independently in the X-Y-Z axis (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13kB 30.11.2010


Download Scatter - move/rotate/scale/recolor selected objects (or draw) randomly in 2D or 3D or curves - orchard, parking, crowd, vertices... (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 29kB 5.4.2021


More information Download Seg2P and SegCur - returns coordinate of a point at a given ratio between 2 points or on a curve - a generalized M2P (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 9782 6.1.2011


Download Sel2BlkRef - auto-replace selected/similar objects with block references (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 15kB 17.10.2018


More information Download Sel3Dsol - select/filter 3D solids by their height, volume, surface area or slenderness (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 14kB 4.12.2017


Download SelByAttr - select blocks by attribute values (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 23kB 21.5.2022


More information Download SelDB - select dynamic blocks by dynamic properties (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 18kB 21.5.2022


Download SelFace - select trilateral, quadrilateral, degenerated, singular, horizontal or ccw 3DFaces in drawing (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD, incl. Sel3face) 14kB 7.3.2015


Download SelfIntersect - check for self-intersections, duplicate and zig-zag/retracing vertices in polylines (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 15.5kB 30.5.2016


More information Download SelHatch0 - selects damaged hatches with null areas (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 12kB 15.4.2011


Download SetACIcolor - convert truecolor to ACI color in selected objects and blocks (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 15kB 22.4.2019


Download Sizer - set window size for AutoCAD drawing document (LISP) 998 20.1.2010 Download SlopeV - k�ivka se segmenty zadan�mi horizont�ln� d�lkou a sklonem (�hel,%,�,1:X) - LISP pro AutoCAD (CS+) External 13kB 5.2.2016


More information Download SMove - stretched move, proportionally stretch ref.points of selected objects (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 18kB 31.8.2015


Download Sol2Face - converts 2D Solids to 3D Faces or PFace (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 11960 23.2.2009


Download Sol2Mesh and Sol2Faces - convert 3DSolids to 3DMeshes or 3DFaces (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD 2011-2020+) 15kB 18.2.2020


Download Sol2SolH - converts 2D Solids to solid Hatches (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 16kB 25.5.2021


Download SolSimilar - select all geometrically similar 3D Solids or Regions in a DWG (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 16kB 25.10.2018


More information Download Sp2Pl - converts selected splines to polylines (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD 2011+) 12kB 24.2.2012 Download SPath - find shortest path between two points on a network (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 17kB 30.6.2015


Download SphereProj - project 2D curve(s) to a sphere (freeware VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 14kB 9.12.2012 Download SphereUnf - unfold a 3D sphere to 2D peels, petals; ConeUnf - unfold 3D cone (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 14kB 7.9.2011


Download Spring - create 3D spring solids, helical objects (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 7kB 13.4.2019 Download StickLay - stick (glue) selected objects to their current layer (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 18kB 11.7.2021


Download STLin - import ASCII STL files (3D models) into AutoCAD (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 15kB 18.6.2020


Download SumaPloch - summarizes areas of selected objects, adds area label (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 12kB 1.10.2010


Download Tab2XLS - copy AutoCAD TABLE to Excel with a single click, saves table to CSV or tab delimited TXT, incl. Unicode (VLX Lisp) 24kB 11.6.2020


Download TabDeStyle - strip formatting/style from Excel-pasted tables (VLX LISP for AutoCAD, CS+/VIP) External 14kB 17.12.2013 Download TabReStyle - resets cell style in selected table objects (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 12kB 14.6.2011


Download TextFreq - frequency analysis of drawing text occurrences, highlight duplicates (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13kB 7.2.2011 Download ToMulti - convert polylines to multi-lines by definitions in the .Tab file (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 13kB 16.12.2019


More information Download TraceCurve - creates traced points/blocks (stations) in given distances along a curve (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 17kB 21.11.2017


Download TrimArr - trim dynamic array to polyline border, non-destructive (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 26kB 31.5.2021


Download TURBO toggle - switch AutoCAD to faster mode by setting all relevant variables (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD 2007-2021) 15kB 24.2.2021


Download TwittControl - uses ACADtweet to submit AutoCAD commands remotely via your Twitter channel (AutoLISP) 2459 4.12.2011 More information Download Twitter for AutoCAD - send tweets (statuses) directly from AutoCAD command line (VLX Lisp) - no longer supported - see ACADtweet 3239 28.8.2009 Download Txt2Blk - convert texts to attributes in block references. e.g. for schedules (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 14kB 30.11.2017


Download Txt2Face - converts TTF texts to faces/meshes (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD 2000-2015) 13kB 29.8.2014


Download Txt2Ref - convert texts to block references of the same name (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 14kB 9.10.2020


Download Txt2XLS - export selected drawing texts to Excel (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 15kB 23.6.2016


Download TxtOverlap - find, mark and traverse overlapped texts in the drawing (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 12kB 23.9.2013


Download Undef2 - undefine (deny) specified AutoCAD commands, list stored in Registry (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 15kB 23.2.2016


Download UnfoldRS - unfold 3D rulesurfs to flat patterns (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 20kB 29.5.2020


Download VDZ3D - nahrad� �irok� (i p�eru�ovan�) k�ivky obrysem - nap�. pro vyta�en� do 3D nebo prom�tnut� na povrch (VLX Lisp, CS+) External 7.5kB 28.8.2017 Download ViewText - align texts to the current 3D view, make them readable (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13kB 18.3.2015


Download VTXdist - add polyline vertices in intervals (divide/measure), VLX Lisp for AutoCAD 2.3kB 18.1.2022 Download WatchCMD - LISP reactor, logs invoking of specific AutoCAD commands (CS+) External 3kB 23.1.2019 More information Download WPS - select objects inside a picked polyline or circle (LISP, AutoCAD) 1142 8.6.2015 Download Wrapper - obal� v�kresov� objekty obalovou k�ivkou (LISP, VIP/CS+) External 17.8kB 9.6.2011


Download XAttachP - attach xref from specified path (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 13kB 9.2.2017


Download XOffset - multiple offsets inwards/outwards/symmetric, sel.layer (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) 14kB 11.2.2020


Download XSAVE - saves R14-format copy while saving A2000 drawing (LISP reactor) (J.Bastecky) 1kB Civil Download WGS-JTSK - batch convert GPS coordinates to S-JTSK format (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD Map/Civil) 10kB 25.11.2013


Other Goodies -- Download Barcode LISP utility - draws barcode as AutoCAD entities 3.8kB 2.8.1999 Download DOSlib - LISP library with system functions (DOS/Windows), files, folders, drives, interface (for AutoCAD R12-2007) External 810kB 8.10.2005 Tools (standalone, Autodesk) Download PROTECT.EXE - protects your AutoLISP programs


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